Interface Execution

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface Execution
    Represent a 'path of execution' in a process instance. Note that a ProcessInstance also is an execution.
    Joram Barrez
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        The unique identifier of the execution.
      • isSuspended

        boolean isSuspended()
        Indicates if the execution is suspended.
      • isEnded

        boolean isEnded()
        Indicates if the execution is ended.
      • getActivityId

        String getActivityId()
        Returns the id of the activity where the execution currently is at. Returns null if the execution is not a 'leaf' execution (eg concurrent parent).
      • getProcessInstanceId

        String getProcessInstanceId()
        Id of the root of the execution tree representing the process instance. It is the same as getId() if this execution is the process instance.
      • getParentId

        String getParentId()
        Gets the id of the parent of this execution. If null, the execution represents a process-instance.
      • getSuperExecutionId

        String getSuperExecutionId()
        Gets the id of the super execution of this execution.
      • getRootProcessInstanceId

        String getRootProcessInstanceId()
        Id of the root of the execution tree representing the process instance that has no super execution.
      • getTenantId

        String getTenantId()
        The tenant identifier of this process instance
      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of this execution.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Returns the description of this execution.
      • getReferenceId

        String getReferenceId()
        If this execution has created a case (through a case task), this will return the referenced case instance id.
        the id of the optionally referenced case instance, if this execution created a case
      • getReferenceType

        String getReferenceType()
        If this execution has created a case (through a case task), this will return the referenced case type (e.g. bpmn-x-to-cmmn-y type).
        the type of the optionally referenced case instance, if this execution created a case
      • getPropagatedStageInstanceId

        String getPropagatedStageInstanceId()
        If this execution runs in the context of a case and stage, this method returns it's closest parent stage instance id (the stage plan item instance id to be precise).
        the stage instance id this execution belongs to or null, if this execution is not part of a case at all or is not a child element of a stage